Preparing Together Today for Tomorrow’s Future
In Llannon School the aim is to create a safe and happy environment for your child in order to stimulate his/her spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development.
Most visitors to the school comment on the warm welcome they receive and the courtesy and maturity of our pupils. The relationship between staff, adults and pupils is good and is based on respect.
Llannon is a happy school and this springs from the increasing number of different and successful activities that take place here. Such an effort makes the pupils, parents, staff, the L.E.A. and the public in general, proud of their connection with the school. We like to take an interest in our pupils after they have left and are proud of their educational achievements.
After completing their education at Llannon School, our pupils continue their education at the local Secondary schools.
Click the link below to read our latest Estyn Inspection (November, 2024)